the just, peaceful, and respectful way forward

Everyone deserves to be protected by the law, no matter their religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We can write laws that respect everyone, even-handedly addressing issues at the center of culture war clashes. But in most of America, tensions between the LGBT and the faith community are resolved under old, outdated, and one-sided laws (often called SOGIs) that were written without these tensions in mind.  

We can do better.

Signing of Utah’s 2015 law simultaneously protecting the full LGBT community and persons of faith

Signing of Utah’s 2015 law simultaneously protecting the full LGBT community and persons of faith

In this website you can drill down on the state of the nation: Where are you protected? Where are people you care about protected? Where are people not protected and left afraid? The Fairness for All Initiative provides tangible support to lawmakers that have a different vision for America: a vision of peaceful coexistence for our pluralistic society that celebrates the full richness of the American fabric.

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